Notification Emails:
Email Notification Settings is a sub menu under My Protected Devices. This tab allows you to specify additional email addresses for receiving notifications. By default, all administrators will get notifications. However, if you want to send notifications to additional email addresses you can do that from this tab.
The feature has the following limitations:
- Each NeuShield account can add up to 5 additional email addresses to receive client / device notifications, they won’t receive account or license notifications.
- Each notification email can be configured to disable certain types of notifications similar to the admin’s preferences.
- When configuring notification email from an MSP account these email addresses will also receive tenant client / device notifications, the same as MSP admins.
- Only the primary admin and authorized admins with ‘manage admins’ permissions can add, remove or update the Email Notification Settings. In other words, admins can update these email settings only as long as they can add or remove an admin account.
- MSP administrators can always add, remove and update tenant account’s email notification settings if they have permissions to those tenant accounts.
Auto silence settings:
From the Email Notification Settings tab you can set up account-wide auto-silence settings. Auto-silence settings are ‘per account’, which means they apply to all devices, administrators and email addresses under that account.
Each tenant has its own auto silence settings that are different from the MSP account. However, you can use the ‘Apply same settings to all tenant accounts’ to change both the MSP account and all tenant account settings.
Admins can also manually silence email notifications of similar events of a specific device on the Client Activity and Device Details panels.
Similarly, they can un-silence (or cancel) previously silenced activity.
Also see: Email Notification
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