By default, NeuShield will automatically detect and use whatever proxy server the system is configured for. However, in some circumstances you may want NeuShield to use a specific proxy server.
Specifying a custom proxy server for NeuShield requires two basic steps:
1. The first step is specifying the custom proxy on the NeuShield portal. To do this you will need to log into the portal and go to the 'Data Sentinel Settings' tab. From this tab click the 'Advanced' button on the upper right-hand corner. This will bring you to the 'Advanced Settings' page where you can configure the custom proxy settings. Once configured you can click the 'Save & Download' button. This will allow you to download the custom proxy setting as a JSON file.
2. The second step is getting the custom proxy settings on the NeuShield client. You can do this through the web installer. The web installer is downloaded from the 'Download & Activation' tab on the NeuShield portal. By using the command line interface 'neuinstaller.exe /c <file path>' on the NeuShield client you can specify a path to the JSON file that contains the proxy settings. This command will tell the NeuShield client to consume the JSON file and enable the proxy settings.
C:\> neuinstaller.exe /c c:\my_path\nds_advanced_settings.json
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