To protect against undesired automated uninstallations, NeuShield Data Sentinel prompts by default for a captcha before uninstallation.
If you are running the Home or Business versions of NeuShield Data Sentinel then you can customize the uninstallation. There are three options that you can chose from:
- No password or captcha verification
- NeuShield uninstall captcha verification (default)
- Uninstall password
In order to uninstall from a CLI you need to configure the uninstall password. For security reasons, automated uninstalls require a password.
Follow these steps to uninstall via CLI:
- Enable the uninstall password:
- Log on to the NeuShield Portal and go to the "Data Sentinel Settings" page.
- Click the "Configure" button under "Uninstall Control".
- Select "Uninstall password", type in a password and click "OK".
- Run command line:
- Find the "neusilentuninstall.exe" tool located under the "bin\tools" folder, usually located in: "C:\Program Files\NeuShield\NeuShield Data Sentinel\bin\tools"
- Run the following command from this folder (xxxx = the uninstall password created in step 1.3 above):
neusilentuninstall /silent /password xxxx
Related articles, see: How can I uninstall NeuShield from Remote Desktop?
Also see: The uninstall captcha is just displaying a black window
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